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i guess i'll just put some pics here for now

now pics pinned

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oh hey they get resized automatically



my body is ready

bird on skateboard

just joined the zone


let me know what features you’d like and I’ll add them
I’m gonna let zone owners make static pages I think
also spoiler tags

bird on skateboard

From: Tiko at 2017-10-08 07:31:22
let me know what features you’d like and I’ll add them
I’m gonna let zone owners make static pages I think
also spoiler tags

spoiler tags would be necessary. not sure what u mean by static pages tho

also i want to know what the max topic size is


i meant like, you know how you can edit the MOTD on the index page? you would be able to make pages of just markdown content, like a rules page or an about page or something. maybe put them on the top bar for people visiting your zone

there is no max topic size rn but i can add one lol

Edited by Tiko at 2017-10-08 12:09:072017-10-08 12:09
bird on skateboard

From: typhy at 2017-10-08 02:39:46
just joined the zone

I hate gamers

gotta add spoiler support asap

bird on skateboard

welcome to the zone piilo



spoiler tags work now. you should be able to copy/paste the quoted text from ETI and it will mostly work. other html tags work as well


<one caveat>

gotta replace ETI’s <quote> with <blockquote> though

</one caveat>

Edited by Tiko at 2017-10-11 18:07:532017-10-11 18:07
bird on skateboard

whoa edits work with livelinks too that post just updated automatically


it’s magic

bird on skateboard

i wanna shill this outside eti somehow but it’s hard to explain without showing the old comics
maybe make a thread here with a couple interesting highlights from the previous lgoaas to give people an idea of what it’s like
just an idea :3

bird on skateboard


ive got those couple little sidestories that happened (alice in lgoaa1, charles in lgoaa2) that i could put up here


oh yeah. that could be a good start

bird on skateboard

dovonan and harvey are good boys

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