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fun thing for zoners only: lets make a character!!

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Body: Physique: classical

also hi meep, hi everyone

Fastest Dog in the World

So what we got so far is:

headwear > big ol’ ribbon
hairstyle > tied back
hair length > long
body color > pale blue
pants > bunched-up dark red cargo shorts
upper-body shirt > pretty dress
physique > classical
nose > pointy
shoes > neon green socks
arm markings > the rocks bull tattoo
hair color > platinum blonde w/ mint green tips

idk how to do both cargo shorts and a pretty dress but that’s meep’s problem so I’ll let him take a swing at it

& for my second pick I’ll add: Accessory > fingerless gloves

Fastest Dog in the World

ahh and yeah that Bond is from Dr. No

Fastest Dog in the World

Decided to log in and check out the aDvEnTuRe zOnE for the first time in a while and it’s still just kind of a nice place

I’d like to suggest or recommend at least one point (ideally two or three) in Body: Footwork, since she looks agile and has shoes that look like they have good traction

Fastest Dog in the World
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