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Let's Go On (the last 1/5th of) An AdVeNtUrE!!!!

choose your own adventure pinned tetris


After that whole vampire encounter, that sounds like a nice, chill time.


Wait- she did just say she was getting a snack, but then you had to go and say you’ll bring snacks. Now you need to figure out a good snack to bring that’s probably not the one(s) she’s getting.

Maybe something sweet…. or spicy… or salty… or weird…….

Or some combinations of those…

Of course! Now is the perfect time to use your secret snack decider!


What’ll you bring?


From: It Is Good at 2020-09-08 07:49:45
How many pages are left on the blue sight topic at this point

It’s on page 96 right now, so like 225 more posts or something

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