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fun thing for zoners only: lets make a character!!


I dunno about all y’all but one of the most fun parts of an adventure to me is making a character!

So, in order to get more people over here, we’re gonna make a character!


We’re not going to DO anything with the character, but maybe… just maybe…

I’m gonna need a bunch of votes to continue, though. Definitely more than like three…


oooo. im gonna read thru the old ones and get some ideas. brb

bird on skateboard

alright. looks like we’ve used mixer a lot and mad libs.
i don’t think slot is drop-down thing from lgoaa1, so it’s probably something random. assuming we get multiple rolls that could be fun

anyway i’m gonna vote for point buy bc it’s new and i’m curious what kind of system comes in to play

bird on skateboard

point buy!!


From: Roland at 2017-10-17 03:06:31
point buy!!

I hate gamers

point buy now u have more than 3…

one more, tee hee


point Buy

Newest Bud

Point Buy

Point Buy it is!




Here’s how point buy works:

You don’t spend points to purchase arms or legs, because if you spend all your points on arms and legs and can’t afford a head you can’t just have no head. What you do is spend points on things to be able to specify them. Anything you don’t spend a point to specify will be decided randomly.

There are 16 points, but I want to be fair, so everyone can only decide where to spend one point until we’ve taken enough time that I feel like nobody will miss out and let y’all spend points again.

Here’s the list:

Points: ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●
╠ Shape ◌
║├ Style ◌
║├ Length ◌
║└ Color ◌
║├ Brows ◌
║├ Shape ◌
║└ Color ◌
║└ Shape ◌
   └ Shape ◌
╠ Weight ◌
╠ Height ◌
╠ Physique ◌
╠ Coloring ◌
║├ Shape ◌
║└ Markings ◌
║├ Shape ◌
║└ Markings ◌
   ├ Shape ◌
   └ Markings ◌
╠ Headwear ◌
Upper Body
║├ Shirt ◌
║└ Jacket ◌
Lower Body
║├ Pants ◌
║└ Shoes ◌
╠ Full Body ◌
   ├ Accessory 1 ◌
   └ Accessory 2 ◌

So, for instance, someone could say:
Put a point in Accessory 1, for a red scarf
I’m putting my point in Eyes Color Blue


put a point in accessory 1 which shall be a Porg necklace thank u

Newest Bud

how do we decide the characters gender

either way, i’m choosing a big ol’ ribbon for the headwear

bird on skateboard

hair style: tied back

From: emily at 2017-10-23 14:37:27
put a point in accessory 1 which shall be a Porg necklace thank u

please, no copyrighted things!!!


hair length long

I hate gamers

Body Coloring: Pale Blue

From: meepches at 2017-10-23 17:24:03

From: emily at 2017-10-23 14:37:27
put a point in accessory 1 which shall be a Porg necklace thank u

please, no copyrighted things!!!

OK then give our dude some PANTS: bunched up cargo shorts dark red in color

Edited by emily at 2017-10-24 12:58:272017-10-24 12:58
Newest Bud

From: Tiko at 2017-10-23 15:03:24
how do we decide the characters gender

its 2017 tiko you cant just decide someones gender for them


From: emily at 2017-10-24 12:56:36

From: meepches at 2017-10-23 17:24:03

From: emily at 2017-10-23 14:37:27
put a point in accessory 1 which shall be a Porg necklace thank u

please, no copyrighted things!!!

OK then give our dude some PANTS: bunched up cargo shorts dark red in color

Also a pretty dress for their upper body shirt

Body: Physique: classical

also hi meep, hi everyone

Fastest Dog in the World


bird on skateboard

which James Bond is that av from

I hate gamers

From: Adam at 2017-10-24 23:23:03
Body: Physique: classical

What’s this mean

im assuming like classical greek statues

I hate gamers

theres actually two meanings i can think of, and i’ll be deciding based on whichever one is more fun at the time

that said I’m going to put a point in Nose: Pointy and now i’ll let you guys all choose again if you’d like


shoes: no shoes just socks which shall be neon green

Newest Bud

arms>markings>the rocks bull tattoo

I hate gamers

uhh… how about

Hair color > Platinum Blonde w/ Mint Green tips.

Edited by Arkyran at 2017-10-27 06:40:272017-10-27 06:40

So what we got so far is:

headwear > big ol’ ribbon
hairstyle > tied back
hair length > long
body color > pale blue
pants > bunched-up dark red cargo shorts
upper-body shirt > pretty dress
physique > classical
nose > pointy
shoes > neon green socks
arm markings > the rocks bull tattoo
hair color > platinum blonde w/ mint green tips

idk how to do both cargo shorts and a pretty dress but that’s meep’s problem so I’ll let him take a swing at it

& for my second pick I’ll add: Accessory > fingerless gloves

Fastest Dog in the World

ahh and yeah that Bond is from Dr. No

Fastest Dog in the World

left out eye color blue fyi

wait, I didn’t actually read correctly, I just skimmed the last line

Edited by Lights Out at 2017-11-02 19:49:102017-11-02 19:49

Torso Markings: Yes

body colouring pure black

hair colour checkerboard

draw the character lazy bone

I hate gamers

accessory 2: cool necklace

bird on skateboard

From: imgay at 2017-11-29 23:54:32
body colouring pure black

From: imgay at 2017-11-30 00:40:47
hair colour checkerboard

these slots are already full

can’t wait to see what this char is gonna look like

bird on skateboard

From: Tiko at 2017-12-02 16:03:41
can’t wait to see what this char is gonna look like

tattoo full face tat

From: Tiko at 2017-10-25 04:55:32


After much deliberation, you decide to distribute your points as such:
╠ Shape ◌
║├ Style ● - Tied Back
║├ Length ● - Long
║└ Color ● - Platinum Blonde w/Mint Green Tips
║├ Brows ◌
║├ Shape ◌
║└ Color ● - Blue
║└ Shape ● - Pointy
║└ Shape ◌
╚ Markings ● - Tattoos
╠ Weight ◌
╠ Height ◌
╠ Physique ● - Classical
╠ Coloring ● - Pale Blue
║├ Shape ◌
║└ Markings ● - Bull Tattoo
║├ Shape ◌
║└ Markings ● - Yes
   ├ Shape ◌
   └ Markings ◌
╠ Headwear ● - Big Ol’ Ribbon
Upper Body
║├ Shirt ● - Pretty Dress
║└ Jacket ● - Leather Jacket
Lower Body
║├ Pants ● - Bunched Up Dk. Red Cargo Shorts
║└ Shoes ● - Neon Green Socks
╠ Full Body ◌
   ├ Accessory 1 ● - Fingerless Gloves
   └ Accessory 2 ◌

The system loads for a few seconds, then someone pops up!


Looks good, right? If you feel like changing the appearance any more, now is the last chance, but also maybe you want to just accept as is?

I’ll give each person the opportunity to move one point from something to another, (except the pants or shoes, which are locked) or vote keep.

Edited by meepches at 2018-01-15 09:33:582018-01-15 09:33

lmao it’s amazing

bird on skateboard

Wait so we can move someone else’s points (except where specified), or just our own?

Any of them except the pants or shoes


this owns so hard

what exactly does moving mean tho
like do we pick a new thing with someones point

bird on skateboard

manual tag

From: Tiko at 2017-12-27 07:58:15
what exactly does moving mean tho
like do we pick a new thing with someones point

yea thats the idea

but if you dont wanna then you dont have to

i feel like maybe nobody wants to lolz


i can’t think of anything i’d want to change

she’s beautiful

bird on skateboard

From: Tiko at 2017-12-30 03:36:45
she’s beautiful

I hate gamers

make sure the bull tattoo is doing the eyebrow raise like it does irl thjs is important

I hate gamers

From: imgay at 2017-12-02 22:03:37
tattoo full face tat

I feel like it’s a waste to not take advantage of this second phase but I can’t think of what would be good to do, plus I think nobody wants to offend anyone else by undoing their points

you can use mine if you don’t like them guys it’s okay

Okay, looks like nobody wants to move any points around


So let’s say that’s okay, and move on to the next section.


This section is Bonus(es)!


Perks provide the character with intangible bonuses that are not necessarily achievable from your abilities alone. Because a perk is a significant bonus, it must be offset with a flaw, which provides a significant weakness to balance it out. Flaws give your character a weakness that isn’t necessarily possible to overcome with stats alone. There are many more flaws and perks than are visible right here, if you can think of one it’s probably there.

You don’t have to choose flaws or perks, but they provide more options to flesh out the character. Additionally, you can choose any number of flaws you want, but only up to as many perks as you have flaws.

Edited by meepches at 2018-01-15 09:45:442018-01-15 09:45

flaw: left handed
perk: right handed

flaw: astigmatism
perk: glasses

flaw ocd
perk wealthy

perk: peacemaker
flaw: hidden temper

Perk: Lionhearted, B.F.F.
Flaw: Cocky, Hotheaded

lionhearted bff


Flaw: Soft
Perk: Ascendant

Alright, we don’t really have a whole lot of agreement here, but I there’s a couple trends. Hot-headed, and peacemaker/softie. So we’ll just go with this:


Looks good!

Now to continue on…


Time for the most fun part, stats!


Stat points in LGOAA have two components: a main stat and a specialization. The main stat must be one of Body, Mind and Spirit, but the specialization can be anything. A stat point can be something like Mind: Smart, or Spirit: General or Body: Dragonlike.

Any stat point will make a person better at all things they want to attempt, and a stat point in a main category will provide a bonus to all things that require that category. A specialization will provide a bonus to just the chosen thing. The more specific a specialization choice is, the more of a bonus a single stat point will give to it.

Some specializations, with enough stat points in them, can change the appearance of a person. For instance, a few points in dragonlike could cause a person to grow horns, little wings and a tail. Or enough points in strength would cause a person to beef up, as you’d expect.

Feel free to spend all 10 stat points, and I’ll stitch together something from everyone’s lists.


Decided to log in and check out the aDvEnTuRe zOnE for the first time in a while and it’s still just kind of a nice place

I’d like to suggest or recommend at least one point (ideally two or three) in Body: Footwork, since she looks agile and has shoes that look like they have good traction

Fastest Dog in the World

Body: Fleet-footed (*)**
Mind: Quick-calculator (*)**
Spirit: Luminous (*)**

Or something

And reserve one point to complement our class choice

she does seem like a fighter with a bit of maybe a magical vibe

bird on skateboard

I’d say shes a gish or something along those lines almost

or maybe like a monk

I kind of don’t feel right changing the character any more since emily had some votes on her. I’m just gonna end this topic and make a new one in a bit…

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